I have walked this Earth for thousands of years..I am timeless..The dark that whispers up your
spine at night..that is me..I have Gone by many names over many lifetimes..Cursed to walk the earth forever..or until The
Sun finally Claims me...
I am Vampyre in its truest form I live from the energy of others I nourish my self with thier
blood..I take only what is needed...mostly. I descend from a place long gone in history never to be remembered or thought
of. Its ruins lie under desert sands and bury all that remain of my clan. I walk alone in life as it should be..My Existence
in solitude isn't so bad, like you it is filled with whatever pleasure, pain, or love I choose to create. Yes..Vampires
can love..in fact we love far more intensely than humans..We have extreme gifts that come with a price..Some say imortality
is a gift...but watching all that you care about die is torturous.
If you must have a name for me then most call me Nyte..for that is truly what i am The Night..the
very darkness around you...and you will never see me unless I will it..As A last request.. Perhaps.